Sunday, March 14, 2010

Creative People...

So I have a little more news to share (some of you have heard), but starting soon... I will be joining the g.c.d Studios design team as a card gal! Super uber yeah!!! (You can read about my reaction to the call I that got from Heidi Sonboul here). I have had the most amazing past couple or weeks... It still feels like I'm dreaming... Thanks you all for all of your kind well wishes and support! You have no idea how much  each one means to me:)

Anyway... as I look around my craft space (I work in a shared loft area), I think about how many hours it will probably take me to clean it out to get ready for this new adventure. So do I seize the moment and start cleaning? NO! I think of this darling little card in a pack of Melody Ross Homespun Chic Inspiration Cards & I make this...

So now my mess is a little bigger (especially with all of the glitter I used)... but I feel much better! 
Good night all... Happy Weekend!


Mel said...

Gorgeous Windy, and this is just an example of why GCD snapped you up. Love Melxx

glorygirl said...

Congratulations, Windy! You so rock the card world. WAY TO GO!!!! I especially love this little Melody Ross inspiration. Beautiful!

Lisa said...

Congratulations Windy!

I love the quote you used - "creative people are seldom tidy." That fits my artistic mom to a T!


~amy~ said...

woot woot windy!!!! super ginormous congrats on the GCD DT!!! I love your card for today! I wish that i could find some of homespun chic you know of any online sources?

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous Windy! Love all that glitter!

I am so excited to be on this team with you and get to know you better!

(-: Heidi

Heather Rogers said...

Too cute! This is so true. I always make the biggest mess when I make my cards. :)

Rose said...

Congrats, Windy! That's awesome news! On the craft room front, I just cleaned mine up this past weekend, and it was no easy task. I love the sentiment on this card because it really does sum things up nicely ;) Best of luck in your new endeavors!