Monday, June 20, 2011

The impact they can make...

Hello friends! We are back from the beach... it was a wonderful trip full of sand & water... a very nice way to start the summer. I am so thankful for it.
While on the trip was that I finished a book... whoot!... that rarely happens now that I have children. And I really liked this passage from it so I thought it was worth sharing...

“You start off like my (young son) Charlie. You start off thinking you can kill all the baddies and save the world. Then you get a little bit older. Maybe Little Bee’s age and you realize that some of the world’s badness is inside you, that maybe you’re part of it. And then you get a little bit older still, and a bit more comfortable, and you start wondering whether that badness you’ve seen in yourself is really all that bad at all.”

The book is Little Bee by Chris Cleave. Now, I'll tell you straight out, if you read it... be ready. It is a tear jerker. But I really liked the book because it reminded me about how easy it is to become complacent.

And because I had a bit of an argument with myself about wether complacency was a good or bad thing (yes I fall into that category where you get real comfortable with life and tell yourself that it is ok & good), I looked up its definition. Complacent means showing a smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements. Boy did that get my gears cranking, especially being a mom of two young daughters who have so much to learn about life and about not being complacent when it comes to the impact they can make on the world. 

Anyone reading a book that you'd recommend?  I'd like to get started on another.


Kathy Martin said...

Oh I can't wait until our family beach vacation in August! Your book sounds awesome! I'm currently reading 'My Sister's Keeper.' awesome! Before that I read 'The Immortal Life of Hennrietta Lacks'. Look them up on Amazon for a preview. Both available in the iTunes store if you read on an iPad. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

I am a fan of anything Amy Tan or Lisa See. Reading now: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See.